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Green Steps x ALDI CR DAY

Plastic Pirates


Green Steps

Short summary:

60 employees of ALDI CHINA came to Shanghai Wusong Pao Taiwan Wetland Forest Park to run a meaningful "Plastic Pirates, Restore the Ocean" event. The event’s purpose was two-fold: encouraging people to take care of the environment with practical actions, and at the same time giving global villagers the opportunity to participate in waste clean-up activities.

Corporate Responsibility is one of Green Steps’ educational aims: not only this project drives awareness on the current social and environmental challenges arising from the current economic system and dominant business model, but also helps to build a platform that hosts sustainable business examples

Quarterly CSR Project

Green Steps organizes Corporate Social Responsibility projects to help companies overcome the difficulties and challenges encountered in achieving sustainable economic development by providing methods and strategies to overcome these challenges, so as to create a socially responsible brand.

Corporate Social Responsibility projects are offline outdoor activities organised with corporate employees to help all employees of the company in-depth analyse the nature of sustainable companies, and understand and learn methods and strategies that help companies improve their awareness of sustainable behaviour.

ALDI Corporate Responsibility Day

On September 3, 2021 Green Steps, as the event organizer, and 60 employees of ALDI CHINA came to Shanghai Wusong Pao Taiwan Wetland Forest Park to run a meaningful "Plastic Pirates, Restore the Ocean" activity. The event’s purpose was two-fold: encouraging people to take care of the environment with practical actions, and at the same time giving global villagers opportunity to participate in waste clean-up activities.

Green Steps provided all the necessary equipment, such as gloves, bamboo tweezers and other tools. ALDI CHINA members were grouped into five teams and each group carried out activities such as picking up, sorting, and transporting plastic garbage from the wetland. In the humidity and heat following the recent rain, each team, led by a team leader, gave their all for the cause. No one was afraid of getting dirty or tired, but all worked well as a team. Everyone took a pair of tweezers and a second hand polyester bag, and once filled, they were weighed and registered by Green Steps’ staff. Together, the amount of trash collected rose continuously and the challenging goal was achieved.

After completing the wetland plastic garbage "hunt", everyone had a chance to answer questions about waste-related topics, so as to consolidate everyone's knowledge of waste classification, consider ways of reducing the amount of domestic waste, distinguish different types of waste, and participate in the process of resource recycling. The ALDI CHINA team collected a total of 269 kilograms of garbage - the "Plastic Pirates" team building activity hence ended successfully and in a joyous atmosphere.

Getting through the event not only made all participates feel deeply touched, but also the company, as the main host of the event, assumed their corporate social responsibility by promoting environmental protection efforts as a positive value. In addition, companies should call on society and everyone in their community to help to protect our Earth together!

Corporate Responsibility is one of Green Steps’ educational aims: not only this project drives awareness on the current social and environmental challenges arising from the current economic system and dominant business model, but also helps to build a platform that hosts sustainable business examples. Green Steps provides organizations with more customized Corporate Social Responsibility events, in order to contribute to a more sustainable, green future together.

See you in nature!