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8 ways to join Earth Hour



Green Steps

Short summary:

Started by WWF and partners as a symbolic lights-out event in Sydney in 2007, Earth Hour is now one of the world's largest grassroots movements for the environment, engaging millions of people in more than 180 countries and territories. For 2021 edition Green Steps team invites you to join and support the initiative: raise awareness about the impact people have on the planet, and the good that communities can make if we stick together to reduce consumption.

Green steps invites you to celebrate earth hour

Started by WWF and partners as a symbolic lights-out event in Sydney in 2007, Earth Hour is now one of the world's largest grassroots movements for the environment, engaging millions of people in more than 180 countries and territories.

Green Steps team invites you to join and support the initiative: raise awareness about the impact people have on the planet, and the good that communities can make if we stick together to reduce consumption.

Switch off for an hour

March 27, 2021
8:30 pm your local time

Have fun in the dark

Prepare to share your personal way to join Earth Hour with the Green Steps community
Be Creative! Find your own way to celebrate with your family and friends. Switch off your lights and...

1. Have a dinner in the dark

Alone, with friends, with family or with your most loved one: keep lights off and have a nice meal under the stars or with some candles on the table only.

2. Have a board-games night in candle-light

Take out those old boxes with chess, Risk or Monopoly: it is going to be more fun if you are not distracted by your phones!

3. Set up a tent!

Spending this Saturday in the city? No problem! You can camp in your backyard, or even in your living room. It can be a fun family training to prepare for the next actual camping with the sole help of a flashlight.

4. Play with Flying Friends!

Taking care of the environment starts with a deeper knowledge. Use this time to play our exclusive card game and learn about the most common birds in Shanghai!

5. Write a letter to your future self

Turn that candle light on and write down your “sustainable year resolution”: reducing waste? Buy eco-friendly goods? Aim for minimal packaging? Whatever you think is the best way to improve and reduce your impact on the environment, write that down: it is a nice way to commit yourself to those eco-goals!

6. Shadow puppet play

Cut out different shapes of animals, set up a stage using cloth and light and let the shadows come to life!

7. Scavenger Hunt

Hide some treats around the house or in the courtyard: challenge the young ones to find them using only a flashlight!

8. The sky is the limit!

Cooking a vegan recipe? Photography in the dark? Meditation? Group singing? There is no limit to the activities you can do if you leave the digital world for a while, alone or with your friends: one hour will pass faster than you expect.

Together we can send out a stronger message!
Don’t miss the chance to inspire more people:

- shoot a picture or a short video to show how you chose to spend this Earth Hour;
- Upload it on your Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter and tag our accounts on your posts and stories
- Share the initiative and stay offline with your family and friends

Become a local champion of a global movement by spreading awareness of Earth Hour and our mission in your community!
Earth Hour's success is driven by the power of the people!
Get your friends and family to tune in this Earth Hour and inspire them to take action to protect and restore nature.