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Nature Journal Challenge 2021



Green Steps

Short summary:

After the first Global Nature Journal Challenge launched last November, we decided to make it bigger and give you a full month to make sure that you don’t forget how much fun being in nature can be. Don't miss the opportunity to win a set of Flying Friends, our original card game to learn about the wildlife in the Yangtze Delta bioregion, and build a way stronger sense of belonging to a common home

Hello there! How are you spending the cold season?
Don’t be afraid of mild rain and chilly wind: this time your journal could win the Green Steps reward!

What are we talking about? Well, while we are getting ready for Spring, we don’t want you to be spending too much time indoors.

After the first Global Nature Journal Challenge launched last November, we decided to make it bigger and give you a full month to make sure that you don’t forget how much fun being in nature can be.

Let's check the rules

Explore nature in your neighbourhood or go to your favourite green spot;

Write down, doodle, or find your personal way to record an original entry for your nature journal;

Shoot a picture of it and send it to Green Steps via our WeChat groups, or Padlet (if you are not in China);

04 WIN
The best entry will receive a set of Flying Friends game cards as a reward.

Go out, record your personal outdoor experience in your Nature Journal and share it with us until Thursday, February 18!

what is a nature journal

The Nature Journal is a fundamental tool we use at Green Steps during our activities. It is a simple notebook where children can take notes about their outdoor experience, and it is naturally multimedia!
You can write a short diary entry or note a meaningful thought, you can take note of the name of a new plant you learned about, drawing and colouring it. Or you can stick in some of the leaves you collected with some glue. You can do just one of these or you can do them all together! Your creativity is your only limit!

how to submit?

Participants in Europe will be invited to stick their pictures to a social wall using Padlet to gather them. CLICK HERE
Disclaimer: sign into the platform before uploading otherwise your entry will be anonymous

Participants in China will be invited to join our community group via WeChat and share pictures from their nature journals.

Add our Green Phone to your contacts.
WeChat ID: Green-Steps


Global Nature Journal Challenge winners will be rewarded a present by Green Steps! We will deliver a set of Flying Friends, our original card game to learn about the wildlife in the Yangtze Delta bioregion, to your home.

We believe that this initiative will not only encourage people to experience the outdoors with more awareness but also help to create a bridge between two communities as far as China and Europe. This way, our sense of belonging to a common home way stronger.

Nature Journal entries submitted between January 18 and February 18 will be voted on and the winners will be announced within a week.